Sizzling Steak and Onions

sizzling steak and onions

Indulge in the rich flavors of Vietnamese cuisine with this Sizzling Steak and Onions dish.

Tender beef is marinated with garlic, ginger, lemongrass, and a touch of sugar, imparting a delightful blend of sweet and savory notes. The steak is stir-fried with onions until perfectly tender, creating a sizzling sensation that is both comforting and deeply satisfying.

This dish captures the essence of Vietnamese cooking, balancing robust flavors with simplicity. It’s quick to prepare yet delivers a complex taste profile that pairs beautifully with steamed rice. Perfect for a weeknight meal or when you want to impress guests with an authentic taste of Vietnam, this Sizzling Steak and Onions is sure to become a favorite at your dining table.

Sizzling Steak and Onions



    1. Combine the steak, salt, sugar, garlic, ginger, and lemongrass with the black pepper and marinade overnight in an airtight container.
    2. Heat a frying pan or wok and add a little oil. Stir-fry the onion until limp but not cooked.
    3. In small batches, add the meat mixture and cook until nearly done.
    4. Reheat the wok to high heat and add all the ingredients, stirring until fully cooked.
    5. Serve with steamed rice.

    Nutritional Information

    • Per serving
    • Energy: 357.5 kcal / 1494 kJ
    • Fat: 21 g
    • Protein: 32.25 g
    • Carbs: 10 g