Thai Coconut Ice Cream

thai coconut ice cream

Indulge in the tropical flavours of Thailand with this delightful Coconut Ice Cream.

This recipe combines rich coconut milk, sweet corn kernels, and a touch of shredded coconut to create a creamy and refreshing dessert. Infused with hints of vanilla and garnished with fresh mint leaves, this ice cream offers a perfect balance of creamy texture and vibrant flavours. It’s a treat that captures the essence of Thai cuisine, offering a cool and satisfying end to any meal.

Traditionally made using a double boiler method to ensure a creamy consistency, this homemade ice cream is simple to prepare yet delivers a complex and satisfying taste. The shredded coconut and corn kernels are gently sautéed to enhance their natural flavours before being combined with a mixture of eggs, coconut milk, and vanilla. After a light freeze and a quick whirl in the food processor to incorporate air, the result is a luscious, light, and fluffy dessert that pairs beautifully with fresh tropical fruits like berries, papaya, or pineapple. Enjoy a taste of Thailand in every cool and creamy spoonful of this delightful Coconut Ice Cream.

Thai Coconut Ice Cream


    • 2 cups coconut milk
    • 2 cups water
    • 8 eggs
    • 2 teaspoons vanilla
    • 4 tablespoons coconut (shredded)
    • 4 tablespoon fresh corn kernals
    • 4 mint leaves
    • 1/2 teaspoon vegetable oil
    • 1 pinch salt


    1. In a pan with a little oil, stir-fry the shredded coconut and corn kernels until golden brown. Drain any excess oil.
    2. Add the coconut milk to the pan and heat for a couple of minutes without bringing it to a boil.
    3. In another bowl, beat 4 eggs and 4 additional yolks. Whisk in the vanilla and salt until mixed.
    4. Transfer the milk mixture to a double boiler (a metal bowl floating in boiling water), and slowly mix in the egg mixture.
    5. Cook the mixture until it thickens and becomes sticky. Once sticky, remove from heat and transfer to an ice cream tray. Place in the freezer for an hour.
    6. Once lightly frozen, break up and beat in a food processor to add air and make the mixture light and fluffy.
    7. Return to the freezer. Once fully frozen, it is ready to eat.

    Nutritional Information

    • Per serving
    • Energy: 409 kcal / 1710 kJ
    • Fat: 36.5 g
    • Protein: 14.5 g
    • Carbs: 8.3 g