Taiwanese Chicken with Black Fungus

Taiwanese chicken with black fungus

Experience the vibrant flavors of Taiwan with this delicious Steamed Chicken with Black Fungus recipe.

This dish combines tender, juicy chicken with the earthy taste of black fungus, creating a delightful harmony of textures and tastes. The marinade, infused with soy sauce, rice wine, and a touch of corn flour, enhances the natural flavors of the chicken, while the black fungus adds a unique depth to the dish. Perfect for a comforting family meal or an impressive dish for guests, this recipe brings a taste of Taiwan’s rich culinary heritage to your table.

Easy to prepare and packed with nutrients, Steamed Chicken with Black Fungus is a healthy and satisfying option for any occasion. The steaming process ensures that the chicken remains moist and tender, while the black fungus provides a slight crunch and a wealth of health benefits. Garnished with fresh spring onions, this dish is not only visually appealing but also offers a burst of freshness that complements the savory flavors. Serve it with steamed rice and a side of vegetables for a well-rounded and delectable meal that everyone will love.

Taiwanese Chicken with Black Fungus


    • 1 kg chicken maryland (or chicken pieces)
    • 1 cup dried black fungus
    • 4 teaspoons soy sauce
    • 1 teaspoon rice wine
    • 2 teaspoons corn flour
    • 4 teaspoons water
    • 4 spring onions (thinly sliced)
    • 1 cup hot water
    • 8 cups water (for steaming)


    1. Remove as much skin as possible from the chicken pieces.
    2. Soak the fungus in hot water until rehydrated.
    3. Mix the soy sauce, rice wine, 4 teaspoons of water, and corn flour together.
    4. Rub the mixture into the chicken, then place the chicken and fungus into a bowl. Cover and let stand in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.
    5. Boil water in a steamer. Add the chicken and fungus mixture and cook for about 20 minutes, or until the chicken is fully cooked.
    6. Sprinkle with spring onions and serve.

    Nutritional Information

    • Per serving
    • Energy: 629 kcal / 2629 kJ
    • Fat: 35 g
    • Protein: 68 g
    • Carbs: 7 g