Chicken Congee

Taiwanese chicken congee

Indulge in the comforting flavors of Taiwanese cuisine with this hearty Chicken Congee.

This dish, known for its soothing properties, is a beloved staple that combines the richness of chicken with the wholesome simplicity of rice. Simmered to a perfect porridge-like consistency in a fragrant ginger-infused chicken stock, this congee is both nourishing and satisfying. Topped with tender slices of chicken and vibrant bok choy, and garnished with fresh spring onions, it’s a complete meal that warms the soul.

In Taiwan, congee is not just a dish but a culinary tradition that spans generations. It’s enjoyed as a hearty breakfast, a comforting meal during illness, and even as a communal dish during celebrations. This recipe brings the essence of Taiwanese home-cooking to your table, inviting you to experience the warmth and simplicity of authentic Taiwanese cuisine. Whether you’re seeking a nutritious meal or a taste of Taiwanese culinary heritage, this Chicken Congee promises to deliver on both flavor and tradition.

Chicken Congee


    • 1/2 cup short-grained rice
    • 1/2 cup glutinous rice
    • 6 cups chicken stock
    • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
    • 2 teaspoons ginger (minced)
    • 400 gram chicken pieces (sliced)
    • 1 bok choy
    • 1 cup spring onions (thinly sliced for garnish)


    1. Bring the chicken stock to a boil and add the minced ginger and soy sauce.
    2. Wash the rice well and place it in the saucepan with the chicken stock.
    3. Reduce the heat once the mixture comes back to a boil and simmer for 2 hours, until it reaches a porridge-like consistency.
    4. Before serving, steam the chicken and bok choy.
    5. Serve the congee topped with chicken, a slice of bok choy, and garnished with spring onion slices.

    Nutritional Information

    • Per serving
    • Energy: 250 kcal / 1045 kJ
    • Fat: 4 g
    • Protein: 15 g
    • Carbs: 36 g