Smoked Spicy Chicken

Singaporean smoked spicy chicken

Experience the bold and aromatic flavors of Singaporean cuisine with this delightful Smoked Spicy Chicken recipe.

This dish brings together a harmonious blend of traditional spices and a unique smoking technique that promises to delight your senses. The journey begins with tender chicken pieces, marinated in a fragrant blend of spices, including star anise, peppercorns, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, and dried tangerine peel. These spices infuse the chicken with layers of complex flavors..

The result is tender, smoky chicken with a hint of sweetness and a kick of spice, perfectly complemented by the aromatic jasmine tea smoke. This dish is best enjoyed with steamed rice, which soaks up the flavorful sauce, and a refreshing cucumber and mandarin salad that balances the richness of the chicken. Get ready to embark on a culinary adventure that will transport you to the bustling streets of Singapore with every delicious bite.

Smoked Spicy Chicken


    • 1 large chicken
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 2 teaspoons white wine
    • 1 teaspoon seasame oil

    Spicy Sauce

    • 1 star anise
    • 1/2 teaspooon cloves
    • 1 cinnamon stick
    • 1 cardamom pod
    • 1/4 dried tangerine peel
    • 5 cups water
    • 2 tablespoons sugar

    Smoking Ingredients

    • 1/2 cup jasmine tea leaves
    • 1/2 cup brown sugar
    • 1/2 cup cooked rice


    1. Wash the chicken and pat dry. Rub the cavity and skin with salt and white wine, then set aside in the refrigerator for about 1 hour.
    2. In a saucepan, add all the spicy sauce ingredients and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for about 20 minutes.
    3. Remove the chicken from the sauce and drain.
    4. Cover a wok with aluminum foil. Place the tea leaves, brown sugar, and rice inside.
    5. Heat the wok over high heat until smoking. Place a wire rack over the smoking ingredients.
    6. Put the chicken on the rack and cover the wok tightly with a lid. Allow the ingredients to burn and smoke, flavoring the chicken. Once smoke escapes, continue to cook for another 5 minutes.
    7. Remove the chicken from the wok. While still hot, brush it with sesame oil and allow it to rest.
    8. Chop the chicken into pieces and serve with steamed rice, fresh cucumber, and mandarin salad.

    Nutritional Information

    • Per serving
    • Energy: 440 kcal / 1839 kJ
    • Fat: 14 g
    • Protein: 35 g
    • Carbs: 45 g