Mussel Soup (Tinolang Tahong)

mussel soup tinolang tahong

Mussel Soup or Tinolang Tahong is a beloved Filipino dish known for its light and refreshing flavors.

Typically enjoyed with steamed rice, this soup combines the briny goodness of fresh mussels with the aromatic blend of ginger and onions, creating a dish that’s both comforting and satisfying. Perfect for seafood lovers, this recipe highlights the simplicity of Filipino cooking while delivering a delicious and nutritious meal.

Tinolang Tahong is traditionally enjoyed for its delicate broth, infused with the natural sweetness of mussels and the gentle heat of ginger. With a handful of spinach leaves adding a vibrant touch of green, this soup is a wholesome choice that’s easy to prepare and sure to become a favorite at the dinner table

Mussel Soup (Tinolang Tahong)

    • Preparation: 10 min
    • Cooking: 20 min
    • Ready in: 30 min


    • 1 kg mussels (in their shells)
    • 2 tablespoons ginger (julienned)
    • 1 onion (sliced)
    • 2 cloves garlic (minced)
    • 1 tablespoon fish sauce
    • 1 handful spinach or malunggay leaves
    • 1 teaspoon black pepper (ground)
    • 1 pinch salt
    • 4 cups fish stock


    1. In a large pot, heat a tablespoon of oil over medium heat. Add the garlic and sauté until fragrant.
    2. Add the onions and ginger. Sauté until the onions are translucent.
    3. Pour in thefish stock (or water). Bring to a boil.
    4. Add the mussels and cover the pot. Cook for about 5-7 minutes, or until the mussels open. Discard any mussels that do not open.
    5. Stir in the fish sauce, ground black pepper, and salt. Adjust seasoning to taste.
    6. Add the spinach or malunggay leaves. Simmer for another 2 minutes until the leaves are wilted.
    7. Serve hot. Enjoy with steamed rice.

    Nutritional Information

    • Per serving
    • Energy: 175 kcal / 732 kJ
    • Fat: 2 g
    • Protein: 24 g
    • Carbs: 14 g