Chicken Lumpia

chicken lumpia

These Philippine Chicken Spring Rolls are a delightful combination of minced chicken, fresh vegetables, and aromatic spices, all wrapped up in crispy spring roll wrappers.

This dish brings together the vibrant flavors of soy sauce and sweet chili sauce with the crunch of bean sprouts, carrots, cabbage, onions, and capsicum. The addition of grated ginger and garlic adds a delicious depth to the filling. These spring rolls are perfect as a snack, appetizer, or even as a main dish paired with a side salad.

Making these spring rolls is a straightforward process. First, the minced chicken is cooked with soy sauce and sweet chili sauce until tender and flavorful. The vegetables are then quickly stir-fried to retain their crunch and freshness. Once cooled, the chicken mixture is combined with cooked rice noodles, ginger, and garlic. Each spring roll wrapper is filled with this delicious mixture, rolled into cigar shapes, and deep-fried until golden and crispy. Serve these spring rolls hot and fresh, accompanied by a dipping sauce of your choice or our own lumpia dipping sauce for a delightful Filipino-inspired treat.

Chicken Lumpia

    • Preparation: 15 min
    • Cooking: 15 min
    • Ready in: 30 min


    • 500 gram chicken mince
    • 1/2 cup bean sprouts
    • 1/2 cup carrot (shredded)
    • 1/2 cup cabbage (shredded)
    • 1/2 cup onions (shredded)
    • 1/2 cup capsicum (shredded)
    • 1 cup thin rice noodles
    • 2 teaspoons ginger (grated)
    • 2 teaspoons garlic (grated)
    • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
    • 2 tablespoons sweet chilli sauce
    • 24 spring roll wrappers (10cm square)


    1. Heat a wok with a little oil. Cook the chicken mince in batches with the soy sauce and sweet chilli sauce until cooked through. Set aside.
    2. Lightly stir fry the vegetables in the same wok until just tender.
    3. Mix together the cooked chicken, vegetables, rice noodles, ginger, and garlic. Allow the mixture to cool.
    4. Place a spoonful of the mixture onto a spring roll wrapper. Fold the edges in and roll tightly into a cigar shape. Seal the edges with a wet finger.
    5. Heat a wok or deep frying pan with cooking oil. Fry the spring rolls in small batches until golden brown and crispy.
    6. Serve immediately.

    Nutritional Information

    • Per serving
    • Energy: 355 kcal / 1484 kJ
    • Fat: 6 g
    • Protein: 20 g
    • Carbs: 47 g

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