Sour Fish Soup (Canh Pa Kai)

sour fish soup

Experience the vibrant flavors of Laos with this traditional Laotian Sour Fish Soup, known as Canh Pa Kai. This dish features tender fish fillets simmered in a fragrant broth infused with lemongrass, ginger, and a medley of spices.

The addition of fish sauce, lime juice, and palm sugar balances the savory and tangy flavors, creating a harmonious blend that is both comforting and refreshing. Garnished with green cherry tomatoes and served with a wedge of lime, this dish is a celebration of Laotian culinary tradition, perfect for a hearty and satisfying meal.

Laotian Sour Fish Soup (Canh Pa Kai) is not only delicious but also nutritious, with the fish providing a rich source of protein and essential omega-3 fatty acids. The aromatic broth, made from fish stock and infused with garlic, shallots, and chilies, adds depth to the dish, this soup captures the essence of Laotian cuisine, offering a taste of authentic flavors that will transport you to the heart of Laos. Whether you’re exploring new culinary horizons or craving a taste of home, Canh Pa Kai is sure to become a favorite in your kitchen, bringing warmth and comfort to your dining table.

Sour Fish Soup (Canh Pa Kai)

    • Preparation: 10 min
    • Cooking: 25 min
    • Ready in: 35 min



    1. In a large saucepan, bring the fish stock to a simmer over medium heat.
    2. Add the crushed garlic, thinly sliced shallots, slices of ginger or galangal, and bruised lemongrass. Simmer for about 10 minutes to infuse the flavors.
    3. Stir in the fish sauce, lime juice, and palm sugar. Let the soup simmer for another 5 minutes to blend the flavors.
    4. Add the fish fillets to the soup. Simmer gently until the fish is cooked through, about 5-7 minutes depending on the thickness of the fillets.
    5. Stir in the green cherry tomatoes and chopped red and green chilies. Simmer for an additional 2-3 minutes.
    6. Serve the Laotian Sour Fish Soup hot, garnished with fresh herbs like coriander or spring onion if desired, and with a wedge of lime on the side for squeezing over.

    Nutritional Information

    • Per serving
    • Energy: 242 kcal / 1012 kJ
    • Fat: 4.75 g
    • Protein: 39.25 g
    • Carbs: 13.5 g