Seasoned Potato Delight

Korean seasoned potato delight

Korean Seasoned Potato Delight is a vibrant and flavorful dish that brings together the comforting warmth of potatoes with the bold, spicy-sweet flavors typical of Korean cuisine.

This dish features tender chunks of potato, marinated and stir-fried to perfection in a delectable blend of soy sauce, sesame oil, garlic, and a touch of sweetness. Garnished with toasted sesame seeds and chopped green onions, this dish is not only a feast for the taste buds but also a treat for the eyes, with its beautiful array of colors and textures.

This recipe is perfect as a side dish for a Korean-inspired meal or as a standalone vegetarian delight. It’s quick and easy to prepare, making it suitable for both busy weeknights and special occasions. Let’s dive into how to make this Korean Seasoned Potato Delight that’s sure to become a favorite at your table!

Seasoned Potato Delight



    1. Peel the potatoes and shred them into matchstick-sized pieces. Rinse in cold water to remove the starch and prevent browning.
    2. Drain the potatoes and add them to a saucepan with 1 cup of water and lemon juice.
    3. Bring to a boil and cook for about 3 minutes until tender but still firm.
    4. In a bowl, combine the soy sauce, garlic, sugar, sesame seeds, and spring onions.
    5. Remove the potatoes from the heat, drain, and mix them with the sauce mixture. Serve hot or cold.

    Nutritional Information

    • Per serving
    • Energy: 152 kcal / 635 kJ
    • Fat: 4.5 g
    • Protein: 2.7 g
    • Carbs: 26 g