Stir Fried Cucumber and Beef

korean stir fried cucumber and beef

Stir-Fried Cucumbers and Beef is a delicious Korean dish that combines the freshness of cucumbers with the savory richness of lean beef, seasoned with garlic, sesame seeds, and a touch of chili powder.

This dish offers a delightful contrast of textures, with crisp cucumbers and tender beef, all coated in a flavorful sauce. It’s quick and easy to prepare, making it perfect for a weeknight dinner that’s both satisfying and full of vibrant flavors.

The cucumbers are thinly sliced and briefly salted to draw out excess moisture, ensuring they retain their crunch even after stir-frying. Meanwhile, the beef is quickly cooked with garlic and seasoned to perfection before being tossed with the cucumbers and a savory sauce made with sesame oil, soy sauce, and spring onions. Garnished with vibrant red capsicum slices, this dish not only pleases the palate but also adds a colorful touch to the table. Serve Stir-Fried Cucumbers and Beef with steamed rice for a complete and satisfying meal that showcases the best of Korean culinary traditions.

Stir Fried Cucumber and Beef


    • 4 small cucumbers
    • 500 gram lean beef (cut into strips)
    • 1 tablespoon salt
    • 1 tablespoon oil
    • 1 tablespoon garlic (crushed)
    • salt and pepper (to taste)



    1. Thinly slice the cucumbers and sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of salt. Set aside for 10 minutes.
    2. Drain the excess juices from the cucumber slices using a paper towel.
    3. Heat the cooking oil in a pan and quickly stir-fry the beef in small batches with crushed garlic, salt, and pepper.
    4. Once the beef is cooked, add the sauce mixture and stir in quickly. Toss through the cucumbers.
    5. Garnish with sliced red capsicum and serve immediately with steamed rice.
    6. This dish should be served promptly to prevent the cucumbers from becoming too soggy.

    Nutritional Information

    • Per serving
    • Energy: 320 kcal / 1338 kJ
    • Fat: 20 g
    • Protein: 25 g
    • Carbs: 5 g