Grilled Eel (Unagi Kabayaki)

grilled eel unagi kabayaki

Grilled Eel, known as Unagi Kabayaki, is a beloved Japanese delicacy that brings a unique blend of flavors and textures to the table.

The succulent eel is carefully prepared and marinated in a savory mix of mirin and soy sauce, then grilled to perfection until the glaze caramelizes into a delectable coating. This dish not only pleases the palate but also carries a rich cultural significance, often enjoyed during special occasions and festive gatherings.

This dish is mainly served in August in Japan, as it is believed to have health benefits that help people get through the summer heat. The eel’s nutritional properties, combined with its invigorating taste, make it a favored choice to combat the sweltering temperatures. Garnished with fresh slices of cucumber and radish, Unagi Kabayaki offers a refreshing contrast and a visually appealing presentation, making it a delightful addition to any summer meal.

Grilled Eel (Unagi Kabayaki)


    • 750 grams fresh eel meat
    • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
    • 1/4 cup mirin
    • 1/4 cup light soy sauce
    • 1 giant radish (sliced)
    • 1 cucumber (sliced)


    1. Skin the eel and remove the head. Slice lengthwise and remove the bones. Cut into halves lengthwise and then into 8 cm sections.
    2. Flatten each piece with the back of your knife and brush both sides with oil
    3. Place the eel under a hot grill on moderate heat, turning occasionally and brushing with a little more oil.
    4. Combine the soy sauce and mirin in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Dip the eel pieces into the sauce for a few moments, then place them back under the grill until the sauce becomes caramelized
    5. Add more sauce, turning the eel pieces every few minutes until the sauce is gone.

    Nutritional Information

    • Per serving
    • Energy: 562 kcal / 2349 kJ
    • Fat: 37.7 g
    • Protein: 48.6 g
    • Carbs: 8.3 g

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