Green Tea Ice Cream

green tea icecream

Green Tea Ice Cream is a delightful dessert that brings a taste of Japan to your table.

This creamy and refreshing treat combines the subtle, earthy flavors of matcha with the rich, smooth texture of traditional ice cream. Perfect for hot summer days or as a sophisticated conclusion to any meal, Green Tea Ice Cream offers a unique blend of sweetness and the distinctive taste of green tea, providing a refreshing twist on the classic dessert.

Making Green Tea Ice Cream at home allows you to control the quality of the ingredients and adjust the flavors to your liking. The process is simple and rewarding, involving a harmonious blend of milk, cream, egg yolks, and matcha, resulting in a luscious and velvety dessert. Whether you’re a green tea enthusiast or new to this exotic flavor, this recipe is sure to impress your family and friends with its delicate balance of sweetness and green tea aroma. Enjoy this homemade indulgence, and savor the elegance of Japanese-inspired cuisine.

Green Tea Ice Cream

    • Preparation: 10 min
    • Cooking: 20 min
    • Ready in: 24 h 30 min


    • 1 litre milk
    • 2 teaspoon Japanese green tea leaves
    • 15 egg yokes
    • 500 gram sugar
    • 2 cups thickened cream


    1. Place the tea leaves in a tea infuser or fabric bag, and submerge it into the milk. Bring the milk to a boil, mix well, and then allow it to cool. Discard the leaves once the milk has cooled.
    2. Beat the egg yolks and sugar together until the mixture becomes ribbon-like. Slowly mix the egg and sugar mixture into the milk, then cook over medium heat without bringing it to a boil. Remove the saucepan from the heat and cool it in a bowl of ice water.
    3. Beat the cream until it becomes thick and frothy, then pour it into the egg and milk mixture. Mix well. Place the mixture in a bowl and freeze it.
    4. Once frozen, remove the mixture from the bowl and put it in a food processor. Beat it to add air, making it soft and frothy. Refreeze the mixture before serving.

    Nutritional Information

    • Per serving
    • Energy: 1318 kcal / 5509 kJ
    • Fat: 76 g
    • Protein: 16 g
    • Carbs: 142 g