Ayam Goreng Yogya

ayam goreng yogya

Ayam Goreng Yogya, or Yogya-style fried chicken, is a classic Indonesian dish renowned for its aromatic spices and crispy texture.

This recipe features tender chicken pieces marinated in a blend of coriander, garlic, turmeric, ginger, and sugar, resulting in a rich and flavourful dish. After simmering in a fragrant spice mix, the chicken is deep-fried to golden perfection, creating a deliciously crispy skin. Serve Ayam Goreng Yogya with fresh cucumber slices and carrot strips for a refreshing and crunchy garnish that complements the bold flavours of this traditional Indonesian delicacy.

To make Ayam Goreng Yogya, start by grinding coriander, garlic, turmeric, ginger, and sugar into a paste. Sauté this aromatic mixture with bay leaves until fragrant before adding the chicken pieces to coat them evenly. Simmer until the chicken is nearly cooked and the sauce has reduced, then fry the chicken until golden brown and crispy. This dish pairs beautifully with rice and a side of sambal or cucumber salad, making it a satisfying meal that brings the authentic taste of Indonesian cuisine to your table.

Ayam Goreng Yogya


    Main Ingredients

    • 1 large chicken (cut into 8 pieces)
    • 2 cups water
    • oil (for deep frying)

    Spice Mix


    1. Grind the coriander, garlic, turmeric, ginger, and sugar together to make a fine paste. Heat the oil in a large pan or wok.
    2. Once hot, add the spice mix and the bay leaves, and cook for 3 minutes until fragrant. Add the chicken pieces and coat well. Once the skin is browned, add the water and simmer uncovered until the chicken is almost cooked. The water should evaporate, leaving the chicken with a brown, spicy skin.
    3. Allow the chicken to dry a little, then heat oil for deep frying
    4. Add the chicken to the hot oil and cook for a few moments until golden brown and the chicken is cooked through.
    5. Serve with sliced cucumber and thin carrot strips as a garnish.

    Nutritional Information

    • Per serving
    • Energy: 495 kcal / 2069 kJ
    • Fat: 14 g
    • Protein: 37.5 g
    • Carbs: 12 g