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Thai Coconut Ice Cream

In a pan with a little oil stir fry the shredded coconut and corn kernels.

Once golden brown drain off any excess oil and ad the coconut milk, heat for a couple of minutes, do not bring to boil.

In another bowl beat 4 eggs and an additional 4 yolks, and then the other ingredients, whisking gently until mixed.

Transfer the milk mixture to a double boiler, eg a metal bowl floating in boiling water, then slowly mix in the egg mixture.

The mixture will thicken and become sticky.  Once sticky remove from the heat and transfer to a icecream tray and put in the freezer for an hour.

Once lightly frozen, break up an beat in a food processor, this ads some air to the mixture and makes it light and fluffy.

Return to the freezer and once frozen is ready to eat. This icecream is delicious with fresh fruit like berries papaw or pineapple.

Feature Ingredients
Coconut Milk
Palm Sugar
Feature Recipes
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Thai Coconut Ice Cream
Quick Facts
Chinese Chopsticks taper to a rounded end, Japanese taper to a pointed end and Korean taper to a blunted end.
Chopsticks are traditionally held in the right hand only, and in East Asia, as in Muslim nations, the left hand is used in the toilet.


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