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Teriyaki Beef

Combine garlic ginger and all sauces in a bowl, place bite size strips of beef into the bowl to marinate for 40 min.

Remove beef from marinate and cook in a wok until beef is cooked add sliced onion and 1 cup of marinate and cook on a low heat until marinate starts to boil.

Serve atop steamed rice garnished with chopped spring onions or place beef on skewers and grill like kebabs on a bbq for a great bbq taste.

Feature Ingredients
Bamboo Shoots
Soy Sauce
Snow Peas
Feature Recipes
Miso Soup
Yakitori Kebabs
Sake Chicken Rolls
Teriyaki Beef
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Quick Facts
Chinese Chopsticks taper to a rounded end, Japanese taper to a pointed end and Korean taper to a blunted end.
Chopsticks are traditionally held in the right hand only, and in East Asia, as in Muslim nations, the left hand is used in the toilet.


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