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Pictured above; A selection of pears


Pears are trees of the genus Pyrus and the edible fruit of that tree. The pear is one of the most important fruits of temperate regions. Pear trees require chilling to produce fruit. Pear trees are not quite as hardy as apples, but nearly so. Like an apple, the pear fruit is a pome. There are thousands of domesticated pear varieties. In tropical areas, the word pear can also be a name for avocado (Persea americana), which is unrelated to true pears.

There are many species of pears. The most important for fruit production are Pyrus communis (European pear or simply pear) and Pyrus pyrifolia (Asian pear or apple-pear) Other species are used as rootstocks for European and Asian pears and as ornamental trees. Pyrus ussuriensis (the Siberian pear, which produces unpalatable fruit) has been crossed with Pyrus communis to breed hardier pear varieties. The Bradford pear (Pyrus calleryana) in particular has become widespread in the American Southeast and is used only for decoration.

For best and most consistent quality, European pears are picked when the fruit matures, but before they are ripe. Fruit allowed to ripen on the tree often drops before it can be picked and in any event will be hard to pick without bruising. They store (and ship) well in their mature but unripe state if kept cold and can be ripened later. Some varieties ripen only with exposure to cold. Asian pears are sweet on the tree and are eaten crisp.

Pears are consumed fresh, canned, and as juice. Fermented pear juice is called perry. The place name Perry can indicate the historical presence of pear trees.

Pear wood is one of the preferred materials in the manufacture of high-quality woodwind instruments.

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Quick Facts
Chinese Chopsticks taper to a rounded end, Japanese taper to a pointed end and Korean taper to a blunted end.
Chopsticks are traditionally held in the right hand only, and in East Asia, as in Muslim nations, the left hand is used in the toilet.


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